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February 16, 2014

25 Payasam Recipes/Kheer Varieties

In this post, I have shared the collection of payasam recipes / Payasam varieties from my food book. You can find South Indian Payasam recipe (Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka) and Bengali style / North Indian kheer varieties. I have shared the recipe links of Paal payasam, Moong dal kheer / Paruppu payasam, Javvarisi Payasam / Sago Kheer, Paneer kheer, Vermicelli payasam / Semiya payasam, Rice payasam, Aval payasam, Thengai payasam, Foxtail millet/thinai payasam and much more.

Most of these recipes are the ones I prepare regularly for my Friday vilakku pooja neivedyam. Please click on the images to view the recipe. I have given all recipes with step by step pictures. I’ll keep updating this page as and when I add a new recipe. Thanks for visiting this page . Have a nice day!
Paal payasam / Milk kheer
Pink palada payasam in pressure cooker
Carrot kheer in pressure cooker
Poha kheer / Aval payasam
Instant semiya payasam in pressure cooker
Semiya javvarisi payasam

Sabudana kheer / Javvarisi payasam
Nungu payasam / Ice apple kheer
nungu payasam / ice apple kheer
fine vermicelli payasam
fine vermicelli / semiya payasam
easy paneer kheer / payasam
semiya payasam
vermicelli / semiya payasam
sabudana kheer / javvarisi payasam
rice kheer / arisi payasam
rice flakes kheer / aval payasam
moong dal kheer / paruppu payasam
coconut kheer / thengai payasam
milk kheer / paal payasam (kerala style)
easy sooji kheer / easy rava payasam
sago kheer / javvarisi payasam
rice kheer / chaler payesh (bengali style)
easy jackfruit kheer / easy chakka pradhaman
vermicelli kheer/ shavige payasam (karnataka style)
easy caramel kheer / payasam
foxtail millet kheer / thinai payasam
kheer / payasam for onam sadya (kerala style)

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February 14, 2014


Happy Valentine’s day friends.Hope u all had made some Valentine’s day special recipes and enjoying with your loved ones.Here is the delicious,easy and tasty basundi recipe  i made with all my love for my sweetheart, Sendhil Red heart. As u all know,basundi is nothing but the sweetened,thickened milk spiced & garnished with saffron,cardamom and nuts.I wanted to try some flavoured basundi and watched Sanjeev kapoor’s video recipe too.But i din’t have either orange or strawberry.So i went with this basic version.As I had already tried this many times for my guests,i did it confidently.It tastes super yummy when served chilled.I am sure everybody in your family would enjoy this dessert.Do try this for your guests and special occasions like anniversary/birthdays.U’ll get appreciations for sure Smile..

Basundi recipe

Basundi recipe Basundi recipe - Rich and tasty Indian dessert recipe
Cuisine: Indian
Category: Sweet
Serves: Serves 2
Prep time: 5 Minutes
Cook time: 30 Minutes
Total time: 35 Minutes


  • Milk - 500 ml
  • Sugar - 2-4 tbsp
  • Saffron - few threads
  • Cardamom - 2 nos
  • Nutmeg powder - a pinch
  • Cashews,almond and pista - 5 each

  • In  a heavy bottomed kadai,take the milk and boil till it reduces to half. When it boils,stand nearby,scrape the sides of kadai and collect the skin.Mix with the milk.In the mean time,chop all the nuts and set aside. Roast a small piece of nutmeg,powder & set aside.
  • After the milk is reduced to half, add sugar and saffron threads.Mix well and boil for few minutes.Check for sweetness.Add more if necessary.
Basundi step 1
  • Lastly add the cardamom powder,nutmeg powder and chopped nuts,mix well and switch off the flame.The total process took 35 minutes in low to medium flame.It may vary. Make sure the consistency is slightly thin because it will thicken when it cools down.
Basundi tile2
  • Transfer to the bowl and refrigerate for 3-4 hours.Serve chill!
  • As i stood nearby and kept stirring the milk,it din’t spill over.If u don’t want to stay,please keep the flame low and allow it to boil.Scrape the sides once in a while and mix the skin to the milk.
  • The color of basundi varies as per the quantity of saffron.Add less for mild color.
  • Add more milk or water to adjust the consistency while u serve.Check for sugar too :)

Serve chilled.Enjoy with ur loved ones !
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February 12, 2014


Masala dosa with tofu sounds interesting,Right? Generally we all are fond of stuffed masala dosa varieties,be it vegetable dosa,cauliflower dosa etc.I have seen Dosa stalls with hundreds of dosa varieties and I wish to try all of them in my kitchenSmile with tongue out.But i always get fascinated towards interesting,unique dosa recipes than the usual ones.One such dosa is this tofu masala dosa.I tried this from my MIL’s old cookbooks collections.I was so happy that i got a yummy,healthy dosa variety for my family..We all liked it very much.Nowadays i am making this twice in my kitchen.Its a very easy and healthy breakfast recipe.Do try and let me know ur feedback dearies Smile..

Tofu masala dosa recipe

Tofu masala dosa recipe Tofu masala dosa recipe - Yummy,healthy breakfast recipe.
Cuisine: Indian
Category: Breakfast
Serves: 6 dosas
Prep time: 10 Minutes
Cook time: 10 Minutes
Total time: 20 Minutes

For masala
  • Scrambled Tofu – 1 cup
To powder
  • Cinnamon - 1 inch piece
  • Cloves - 2 nos
  • Soambu/fennel - 1/2 tsp
To saute in oil
  • Cooking oil – 1 tbsp
  • Big onion - 2 nos
  • Tomato - 1 no
  • Ginger&garlic paste – 1 tsp
  • Red chilli powder - 1 tsp
  • Turmeric powder – 1/8 tsp
  • Salt - as needed
  • Coriander leaves - to garnish
  • Garam masala powder- 1/2 tsp(optional)
Lemon juice – few drops(optional)
IDLI,DOSA BATTER –  as needed

  • Take the tofu,scramble using ur hands very finely or grate it.set aside.
  • Wash and chop onions,tomato finely.Crush the spices given above to a powder.
  • Heat oil in a kadai and put the ground spices.Saute till it emits a nice aroma. Add g&g paste and saute till raw smell leaves it completely.
  • Then add finely chopped big onions and curry leaves.Saute till turns transparent.
  • Now add the chopped tomato pieces.Then add the red chilli powder,turmeric powder,garam masala powder.Saute till it turns mushy.
  • .Mix well and finally add the grated tofu.Mix well for 5 minutes.Check for salt.Add coriander leaves,mix well and switch off the stove.Yummy tofu masala is ready!
  • For making dosa,take the idli,dosa batter in a separate bowl.Add few tbsp of water to make the batter slightly thin,Mix well.
  • Heat dosa pan,pour a ladleful of batter and spread it as thin as possible.
  • Drizzle a tsp of oil around the concentric circles.Cover the pan and leave for a minute.Dosa gets browned and gets cooked well.No need to flip it.
  • Now spread the masala all over the dosa or in the middle.Fold and serve hot !

As my grinder has some problems, i made idli,dosa batter recipe using mixie.Please refer this link for the dosa batter i used in this recipe.
If u don’t have tofu,replace it with paneer or cauliflower.

Serve hot with coconut chutney and sambar..Enjoy !

Very good recipes Tags: , , , , , ,
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February 11, 2014

Rava Payasam | Sooji Kheer - Easy Payasam Recipes

Rava payasam/Sooji kheer is one of the easiest rava recipes.Every friday, i have to make some payasam, sweet pongal or rava kesari for vilakku pooja neivedyam.So i keep thinking to do varieties of payasam recipes.I came to know about this payasam from Sendhil’s Chinna maami in Kumbakonam.Once she made this for lunch.I saw how she made and asked the recipe too.From that time, i started making this payasam for friday pooja whenever i run short of time.It can be made very quickly and tastes soooo good.After so many attempts, i started making on my own way with some improvemnets.The best thing of this payasam is its yield.Just 1/4 cup of rava is enough to make payasam for 4-5 persons.So u can try this for ur guests.Its an easy dessert recipe.I heard people give this sooji kheer for 6 months baby too.Its a very filling and yummy payasam recipe!!Do try this payasam.U’ll love it like meSmile.

Rava payasam recipe

Rava payasam recipe Rava payasam - Easy payasam recipe with rava
Cuisine: Indian
Category: Dessert
Serves: Serves 4
Prep time: 10 Minutes
Cook time: 10 Minutes
Total time: 20 Minutes

To roast in ghee
  • Ghee - 1 tbsp
  • Cashews & raisins - few
  • Clove - 1 no
  • Mace/Jathikai - a very small piece
  • White rava/Sooji/Semolina - 1/3 cup
To cook
  • Milk - 2.5 cups
  • Water - 1/2 cup
  • Sugar - 1/2 cup
  • Sweetened milk maid - 1 tbsp(optional)
  • Cardamom - 2 nos

  • In a pan, heat ghee and roast the cashews,raisins,clove and mace.Remove in a plate.Crush cardamom and mace together and keep everything together.
  • In the remaining ghee,roast rava for 4-5 minutes in medium flame till u get a nice smell.
  • Boil milk and water together in a bowl till u roast the rava.When they roll boil,reduce the flame to low and slowly add the roasted rava by stirring the water+milk mixture.(Just do as u make for rava upma)
  • Mix everything well till there are no lumps using a whisk.Cover and cook for 8-10 minutes in low flame stirring in between.The payasam will thicken.Add milk or water to loosen it if necessary.
  • After the rava is well cooked and becomes a porridge,add sugar.Mix well and allow it to boil for few minutes.
  • Lastly add 1 tbsp of condensed milk,give a boil and switch off the flame.
  • Add the aromatic spices.Serve hot or refrigerate & serve chill.Tastes great in both the ways.
  • Roast 1/4 cup of rava in 2 tbsp of ghee and set aside.
  • Take 2 tsp of roasted rava and cook in 1/4 cup of milk till done.Keep stirring and cook for 5-7 minutes in low flame.After it thickens and becomes soft,add required sugar.Mixwell till sugar melts.Cool it down and feed the babies.
  • Condensed milk is optional.But it gives a rice taste to the payasam.
  • Please adjust the water+milk quantity according to the consistency u need.
  • This payasam thickens when it cools.So make it slightly watery before switching off the flame.
  • Adjust the quantity of sugar as per ur taste.We felt it tastes great only if sugar is on higher side.

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February 9, 2014




No need to say much about fryums.I hope all of you have store bought, colourful, cylindrical shaped fryums also called as “Golden finger fryums”. I usually fry it in weekends or as a side dish for variety rice.There are many varieties of fryums and the one i used here is the long variety.In tamil we call it as “Kudal appalam”. Recently i bought this in a grocery store  to make this easy,interesting chaat.Thanks to my friend Shalini from whom i got this idea.It was very nice and Raksha loved it a lot.Only thing is it has to be served within a minute after stuffing else it will become soggy very quickly.I stuffed as much grated carrots as i can to make Raksha eat raw carrotWinking smile.So adjust the quantity of these ingredients as per ur liking.Overall its a very easy snack and its a great idea to convert a junk into a healthy food.U can try the same with homemade rice vadams,sago vadams etc.I am sure everybody in ur home would love it Smile..


Fryums Chaat recipe

Fryums Chaat recipe Fryums chaat recipe stuffed with carrots,onions and coriander leaves.Easy,interesting snack to attract your kids:)
Cuisine: Indian
Category: Snacks
Serves: Serves 4
Prep time: 5 Minutes
Cook time: 5 Minutes
Total time: 10 Minutes

To deep fry
  • Fryums - 10 nos
  • Oil - to deep fry
To stuff in fryums
  • Carrot - 1 no (large)
  • Finely chopped big onion - 1 no
  • Coriander leaves - 2 tbsp
  • Lemon juice - few drops
  • Chaat masala - 1/2 tsp
  • Red chilli powder - 1/4 tsp
  • Salt - as needed

  • Wash and grate the carrots.Chop the onions& coriander leaves finely.Mix everything in a wide bowl adding salt,chilli powder and chaat masala.Squeeze the required lemon juice.


  • Now take the deep fried fryums and if its a long variety, slit it into two using a sharp knife as shown in the picture.If u have a small one,just stuff this vegetable mixture as it is and serve immediately.


  • If u want to make it with vadams,stuff this mixture in between two vadams and serve as sandwich..




Serve ur kids and enjoy !Fryums-in-hand



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