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Showing posts with label INTERNATIONAL FOOD. Show all posts

October 31, 2016

Eggless Witch Finger Cookies Recipe-Halloween Recipes

Witch finger cookies recipe
Eggless Witch Finger Cookies with step by step. For the first time I am sharing a recipe for Halloween day. I have heard about Halloween day and the most popular Halloween Sugar cookies from my friends in US. So this year I wanted to try some interesting and scary recipe on this day. When I was browsing for it, I found this easy Halloween spooky witch finger cookies in Priya’s blog. Its very similar to butter cookies recipe. When I showed the witch finger cookies images to my daughter Raksha, she was very much excited and asked me to bake them immediately. She took part in all the activities like mixing the cookie dough, baking, shaping cookies until decoration with jam Happy. Friends, Do engage your kids and try this easy Halloween butter cookies, share your feedback with me. Now lets see how to make this eggless spooky witch finger cookies for Halloween day !
Witch finger cookies recipe

Eggless Halloween Witch Finger Cookies Recipe

Eggless Halloween Witch Finger Cookies Recipe Eggless Halloween Witch Finger Cookies Recipe - Butter cookies recipe
Cuisine: Indian
Category: Cookies Recipes
Serves: 15 nos
Prep time: 40 Minutes
Cook time: 15 Minutes
Total time: 55 Minutes

1 cup - 250ml
  • All purpose flour / maida - 1.25 cups
  • Powdered sugar - 1/3 cup
  • Softened butter - 1/2 cup
  • Baking powder - 1/8 tsp
  • Salt - a very small pinch
  • Vanilla extract - 1/4 tsp
  • Whole Almonds - few

  • In a wide mixing bowl, combine butter, sugar and vanilla extract. Beat it well with a whisk until creamy, soft and fluffy.
    Witch finger cookies recipe
  • Sieve Maida/ all purpose flour and baking powder.Add this to the butter mixture and make a dough. If the dough is very crumbly and dry, add few tsp of butter or cooking oil. Do not use milk. Mix well and make a soft dough. Wrap the dough in a butter paper or cling wrap and refrigerate it for 30 minutes.
    Witch finger cookies recipe
  • After 30 minutes, take out the dough and let it come to room temperature.It would become soft. Now take a big gooseberry sized dough and make finger shapes by rolling it. Stud in blanched almond for nails. Draw lines using a knife. Grease a baking tray with butter & maida or line with a butter paper. Arrange the cookies in a baking tray. My daughter wanted to make witch hand with palm & fingers. So we shaped like a hand. Please refer picture for the idea.
    eggless witch finger cookies recipe
    eggless witch finger cookies recipe
  • Preheat the oven in convection mode at 180 c. Place the cookies tray and bake the cookies for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, check if the sides of cookies turn golden brown in sides & bottom. Remove the tray and let the cookies cool down completely.Do not try to remove the cookies, it may break. Cookies would be soft when hot. It turns super crispy & hard after cooled down.So be patient till it cools down.

    eggless witch finger cookies recipe
Mix some hot water with the jam and dilute it. Apply them on the cookies and give a blood like appearance. Enjoy these scary cookies !

  • You can use with wheat flour or maida & wheat flour in 1:1 ratio.
  • Do not use milk for making dough. Cookies may turn chewy & its shelf life would be reduced.
  • This cookies stayed good for a week when stored in an air tight box.

Try this easy, tasty, scary witch finger cookies and enjoy with your kids !!
eggless witch finger cookies
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June 9, 2016

Eggless French Toast Recipe – Bread Toast Without Egg

Eggless French Toast Recipe
Eggless French toast recipe - How to make eggless French toast without eggs. Learn with step by step photos and a video !
French toast is a very easy, popular and quick breakfast recipe. Its an ideal recipe for kids breakfast & lunch box as well. Basic plain French toast batter has eggs in it. But nowadays many Indian people are making it without eggs by using custard powder or corn starch. My friend Shalini prepares this sweet toast quite often as evening snacks for her kids.She shared her eggless recipe with me and was telling me to make this post in my blog. As Raksha is not a big fan of sweetened bread toast, I was hesitating to try it. But her Father is just the oppositeWinking. He has a big sweet tooth and I know he will like this toast very much. So once I tried it for Sendhil’s breakfast with some leftover bread after making Cheese toast for Raksha. He loved it very muchApplause. Nowadays this eggless French toast is appearing often in my kitchen.You can serve this with freshly chopped fruits like strawberries, banana or by smearing with buttter, drizzling with honey or chocolate sauce and enjoy it.Soon I must try the savory version too. Lets see how to make this easy eggless French toast recipe at home. I am sure most of the kids & even their fathers would love this toast. Give it a shot and let me know !!

Eggless French toast recipe

Eggless French toast recipe

Eggless french toast recipe

Eggless French toast recipe using custard powder

Cuisine: Indian
Category: Breakfast
Serves: 5 nos
Prep time: 5 Minutes
Cook time: 5 Minutes
Total time: 10 Minutes

1 cup - 250ml
  • Bread slices - 5 nos ( Milk bread or wheat bread)
  • Custard powder - 1.5 tbsp ( Vanilla flavor)
  • Sugar - 1.5 tbsp
  • Boiled milk - 1/2 cup
  • Cinnamon powder - 1/2 tsp
  • Vanilla essence or rose white essence - 1/2 tsp
  • Cooking oil or melted butter - to grease

  • Take the custard powder, sugar, Vanilla essence, cinnamon powder in a wide plate.Add boiled & cooled milk and mix well without lumps. I used a big plate as its convenient for dipping the bread slice. If you want, you can mix them in a bowl too.
eggless french toast recipe
eggless french toast recipe
  • Now dip the bread slice on both the sides and all the corners.
  • Heat a dosa pan and drizzle with oil or butter. Place the bread slice and keep the flame medium.Flip the bread after it turns golden brown. Cook both the sides and remove in a plate. Serve hot with chocolate sauce or honey or chopped fruits !!
eggless french toast recipe
eggless french toast recipe
Enjoy !

  • Adjust the quantity of sugar based on your sweet buds. The quantity of sugar also depends on the sweetness of bread. I used 1.5 tbsp. Use just 2 tsp to 1tbsp for mild sweetness.
  • Make sure the milk is boiled and is at room temperature.It should not be hot. 
  • U can replace custard powder with corn flour.
  • Serve it really hot to enjoy its best taste.
Try this easy n quick French toast recipe for your family and enjoy !
French toast without egg
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May 25, 2016

Easy Garlic Spaghetti Recipe – Indian Vegetarian Spaghetti Recipes

Spaghetti recipe Indian vegetarian
Food blogging has made me try and taste varieties of recipes from various cuisines which I have not even imagined in my life. Being a South Indian, my whole food world was just revolving around Idli, dosa, poori and chapathi . But after I became a food blogger, my eating habits and cooking have changed completely. I am really proud and happy to be a passionate food blogger. 

Pasta, Hakka Noodles, Tacos, Spaghetti, Quesadilla, Tortilla – All these terms were very new to me until I saw them in our fellow bloggers blog. I did not even know how to cook them perfectly. Slowly I am learning everything and blogging the same to help beginners like me. I am happy that I am trying out various international recipes in my kitchen. My recent crush was to try spaghetti at home. 

Spaghetti is basically a type of noodles made from durum wheat semolina. Spaghetti is the plural form of the Italian word spaghetto, which is a diminutive of spago, meaning "thin string" or "twine". It is a staple food of traditional Italian cuisine ( Source: Wiki). Cooking spaghetti is not so difficult as I thought. Its procedure is more like cooking noodles. 

As a beginner, I wanted to make an easy and simple Indian style Vegetarian spaghetti recipe. I found this easy stir fried, garlicky spaghetti recipe HERE as I din’t have any vegetables in hand. I made some modifications as per my family’s taste buds and tried it for a Sunday breakfast. It came out really well with an awesome flavor of roasted onion and garlic in olive oil.  

This is just a basic spaghetti recipe. For variations ansd make it more rich, you can add sliced, sauteed vegetables and grated cheese on top before serving. Sendhil & Raksha gave a big thumbs up after eating. We relished it with tomato sauce. Its a quick breakfast recipe for bachelors and working women as there is very less chopping works. Kids would love this for sure. Do try it out for a change and share your feedback here. Lets see how to cook spaghetti and make this Indian style, vegetarian garlic spaghetti recipe with step by step pictures.

Easy Indian spaghetti recipe

Easy Veg spaghetti recipe-Indian style

Easy Veg spaghetti recipe-Indian style Easy, garlicky Indian Veg spaghetti recipe
Cuisine: Indian
Category: Pasta recipes
Serves: 2
Prep time: 15 Minutes
Cook time: 10 Minutes
Total time: 25 Minutes


  • Spaghetti - 200gms 
  • Water - 10 cups
  • Big onion - 2 nos ( sliced thinly)
  • Olive oil or cooking oil - 2 tbsp
  • Spring onion - 2 sprig ( finely chopped)
  • Red chilli flakes - 1.5 tsp
  • Pepper powder - 1 tsp
  • Soy sauce - 1/4 tsp ( optional)
  • Garlic - 10 cloves (finely chopped & crushed)
  • Salt - as needed

  • In a wide bowl, boil 10 cups of water adding some salt and few drops of oil. Put the spaghetti as such (Do not break it) and let it cook in high flame for 15 minutes. Initially, spaghetti won’t be completely immersed. 
  • As It starts to cook, It will get immerse into the water completely and becomes soft like noodles. You can even cover and cook the spaghetti for sometime but water may spill while cooking. So stay nearby and adjust the flame whenever needed.
Easy Indian veg spaghetti recipe
Easy Indian veg spaghetti recipe
Easy Indian veg spaghetti recipe
  • Spaghetti takes more time to cook than our regular noodles.So take care while cooking. Take out one string of spaghetti and check if it breaks and soft to touch. If so, switch off the flame and transfer the cooked spaghetti to a colander(steel sieve) Drain the excess water completely and leave it aside.
Easy Indian veg spaghetti recipe
  • Chop the onion thinly into slices. Finely chop the garlic cloves and crush it slightly using a mortar & pestle. Chop the spring onions finely.
Easy Indian veg spaghetti recipe
  • Heat olive oil in a kadai. Saute the crushed garlic cloves for few seconds. Add sliced onions and salt. Saute till onion turns transparent. Now add the red chilli flakes. Mix it well.
Easy Indian veg spaghetti recipe
  • Lastly add the cooked spaghetti, pepper powder and soy sauce if adding. Mix well using a fork. Toss it well. Make sure spaghetti doesn’t break. Check for taste and add more pepper powder & salt. Garnish with finely chopped spring onions. Serve hot immediately. Enjoy with tomato ketchup or sauce ! You can add some grated cheese on top before serving kids.
Easy Indian veg spaghetti recipe

Enjoy !

  • Adjust the quantity of chilli flakes and pepper powder as per your taste.
  • If you like tomato flavor in spaghetti, you can add a tbsp of tomato sauce while mixing.
  • For variations, you can try adding thinly sliced capsicum, carrot, mushroom and potato while sauting onions.
  • You can add some grated cheese on top before serving.
Try this easy and yummy Indian Vegetarian garlic-ky spaghetti recipe and enjoy !   Spaghetti recipe Indian Vegetarian
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May 6, 2016

Veg Quesadilla Recipe - Indian Vegetarian Quesadilla

Recently I tasted Mexican Veg Quesadillas at Taco bell. Its my long time wish to prepare Vegetarian quesadilla at home. So I bought tortilla sheets and tried it in my own combination after watching few you tube video recipes. I made it for our Sunday breakfast. I din’t have sour cream, cheese or other Mexican ingredients in hand. So I used tomato ketchup and mayonnaise along with mixed vegetables stuffing and made it in our Indian style.It came out very well. Sendhil & Raksha liked it a lot. Try this easy and simple Indian Veggie quesadilla at home and enjoy your breakfast. I am sure kids would love this recipe.Lets see how to make Vegetable quesadilla with simple stuffing Happy.
Friends, I am enjoying a short vacation in Valparai and surrounding areas. So I drafted these recipes in advance and posting them here. I may not be able to respond to your mails and queries quickly. So please bear with me for another 5 days. Thanks.

Veg quesadilla recipe

Veg quesadilla recipe Indian style Vegetable quesadilla recipe for breakfast/dinner
Cuisine: Indian
Category: Breakfast
Serves: Serves 2
Prep time: 10 Minutes
Cook time: 20 Minutes
Total time: 30 Minutes


  • Tortilla sheets - 3 nos
  • Olive oil/Cooking oil - 2 tbsp
  • Tomato sauce/Tomato ketchup - to spread
  • Mayonaise - to spread
For stuffing
  • Carrot - 1 no
  • Capsicum - 1/4 no
  • Big onion - 1 no
  • Tomato - 1 no
  • Cabbage - 1/2 cup
  • Pepper powder - 1 tsp
  • Sugar – 1/2 tsp
  • Red Chilli Sauce or green chilli sauce - 1 - 2 tsp ( based on taste)
  • Herb seasoning/ Oregano mix - 1/4 tsp
  • Rosemary leaves - a pinch
  • Salt - as needed

  • Chop the vegetables into thin strips. Heat oil in a kadai and saute the onions, chopped vegetables till its half cooked. Add the tomato strips and saute until mushy.Add salt & sugar while sauting.This helps for quick cooking and prevents color changing of vegetables.

  • After the vegetables are 3/4th cooked, add red chilli sauce, pepper powder, herb seasoning mix and rosemary leaves.Mix well. Check for taste and add more spices as you like.Stuffing is ready.

  • Take the tortilla sheets and microwave in high power for 1 minute. I kept in 800w power.Take a sheet and spread the tomato ketchup. Spread the stuffing in the center. Apply 2 tsp of mayonnaise all over the stuffing as shown in the picture.Fold it like a half moon.

  • Heat a dosa tawa & sprinkle a tsp of oil. Cook the folded quesadilla on both the sides till golden. Remove and cut into three triangular shaped pieces using a scissors. Serve hot with salsa or cheesy sauce.Enjoy !

Adjust the quantity of chilli sauce & pepper powder as per your taste.
You can replace red chilli sauce or green chilli sauce.
You can replace mayonnaise with sour cream.

Yummy Indian style vegetarian quesadilla is ready to enjoy !!

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April 22, 2016

Veg Hakka Noodles Recipe | Hakka Noodles Recipe

Veg Hakka Noodles Recipe 
Hakka noodles, or Hakka mee, is a type of noodles - It is yellow in color, normally served in soup and with meat such as pork or chicken fillet, with vegetables and egg ( Source: Wiki). Usually I make Veg noodles with store bought plain noodles. For the first time, I bought Ching’s Hakka noodles and made Vegetable noodles for our breakfast combining Indian & Chinese style. I never thought its so easy and quick to make. 

I followed the instruction given in the pack on how to cook hakka noodles and cooked it perfectly. Noodles was firm yet soft. It came out well and tasty. Sendhil & Raksha loved it so much. Rice Vinegar & Soy sauce are the star ingredients for this recipe. But I used White vinegar and little tomato ketchup too. I am happy that I tried hakka noodles at home.

For a no onion, no garlic version, just skip those ingredients from the list and follow the recipe. Soon I am planning to try Schezwan and more varieties with hakka noodles. Now lets see how to make this Kids friendly, quick and easy Veg Hakka noodles.

Veg Hakka Noodles

Veg Hakka Noodles Recipe

Veg Hakka Noodles Recipe How to make Indo Chinese style Vegetable Hakka Noodles recipe
Cuisine: Indian
Category: Main course
Serves: 3
Prep time: 10 Minutes
Cook time: 20 Minutes
Total time: 30 Minutes

To cook noodles
  • Hakka Noodles - 200 gm Packet ( I used Ching's brand)
  • Water - 10 cups
  • Cooking oil - 1 tsp
  • Salt - as needed
To saute
  • Cooking oil or olive oil - 2 tbsp
  • Garlic - 5 cloves ( finely chopped)
  • Spring onion - 2 tbsp (-do-)
  • Big onion - 1 no ( sliced)
  • Carrot - 1 no ( medium)
  • Capsicum - 1/4 no
  • Shredded cabbage - 1/4 cup
  • Soya sauce - 1 tsp
  • Green chilli sauce or red chilli sauce – 1-2 tsp
  • Tomato sauce – 1.5 tsp
  • White Vinegar – 1/2 tsp (optional)
  • Black or white pepper powder – 1 tsp
  • Salt - as needed
  • Sugar - 1 tsp

  • Boil 10 cups of water in a wide bowl.Add a tsp of cooking oil and some salt. When the water comes to roll boil, add the noodles. Break the noodles into two while adding in water. Let it cook in open bowl for 10 minutes. In the mean time, finely chop garlic & spring onions, shred cabbage, slice onions, capsicum and carrot thinly.
Veg hakka noodles
Veg hakka noodles
  • Toss the noodles once or twice in between.Make sure the noodles is not over cooked and mushy. So toss it every once and then.Check it after 10  minutes. Take a small string. Press it. It should break and soft.Then drain the excess water using a colander and wash the cooked noodles under tap water to stop its cooking process. This step helps to keep the noodles stay firm in shape. So do not skip this step. Let the noodles become warm.
Veg hakka noodles
  • Now heat oil in a kadai. Saute garlic and half of spring onions. Add sliced onion, carrot, shredded cabbage, capsicum and saute well. Sprinkle sugar and required salt. Keep tossing the vegetables in high flame till its 3/4 th cooked. Now add the tomato sauce, chilli sauce, soy sauce and vinegar.Keep the flame low and mix well.
Veg hakka noodles
Veg hakka noodles
  • Add the cooked noodles and mix well. Add the black pepper powder and mix well.Noodles should be coated well with the sauce. Check for taste. Add more sauce if needed.
Veg hakka noodles
  • Toss the noodles in high flame for few minutes. Remove and serve hot. Enjoy !
Veg hakka noodles

  • Adjust the quantity of sauces as per your taste.
  • You can use white pepper powder instead of black pepper powder.
  • Noodles should be cooked properly. So stay nearby and remove it at the right time.
  • You can add sliced mushroom, Green peas and french beans if you like.

Enjoy yummy Hakka noodles at home along with manchurian as side. Tastes great !!
Veg hakka noodles

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