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May 22, 2009

Arisi Sundal Recipe - Easy Dinner Recipes

This is not the usual sundal we make with legumes/pulses.This is rice upma which my MIL call it arisi sundal. It can be made in a jiffy and its healthy too..Less oil is used.I usually make this for dinner.It tastes the best with coriander leaves thogayal or sambar :) As its a one pot recipe, it is ideal for bachelors and working women to make a quick dinner after coming back from office :) Do try it out and have a relaxed dinner !
Rice Sundal


1 cup - 200ml
  • Raw rice – 3/4 cup
  • Moong dal – 1/4 cup.(Equal ratio of rice & dal is also good)
  • Water – 2.25 cups
  • Salt  – as needed.
  • Grated coconut – 1/4 cup
To temper:
  • Mustard seeds – 1/2 tsp
  • Urad dal – 1/2 tsp
  • Green chilly – 1-2 nos
  • Curry leaves – a sprig
  • Asafetida / hing – 1/4 tsp (half during tempering and half should be added raw in the water)
  • Ginger – 1 inch (finely chopped )
  • Oil – 2 tsp
  • Dry roast the rice till it puffs up slightly.
  • Dry roast the moong dal till it turns light golden brown with a nice aroma.Set aside.
  • Both the above process takes hardly 5 mins.
  • Then in the same hot kadai , add 1 tsp of oil and do the tempering part.
  • As i had mentioned earlier, half the quantity of asafetida should be added while tempering along with the dals.
  • After tempering , just add the water,salt , roasted rice & moong dal.
  • Now add the remaining hing and ginger pieces.
  • Add a tsp of oil and close the cooker with the lid. (adding oil in the water makes the rice separate, u all know this)
  • Cook for 1 whistle .Cool, open and add the grated coconut before serving!!
Serve with sambar/ coconut chutney!!!

Rice sundal with Sambhar

Have a nice day!!Happy
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May 18, 2009

Keerai kadayal With Garlic & Palak Chapathi


This simple keerai kadayal is a perfect dish for kids & adults to make them eat greens. I make this arai keerai kadayal atleast 3-4 times in a week. It can be prepared with siru keerai and mulai keerai too. Basically I am a health conscious person. I always think to avoid fatty, oily items and to include something that is rich in protein and iron in our regular diet.

We all know greens are very rich in iron. So I am sure in including this in our lunch. My kid who is a fussy eater likes this very much. This is the first keerai dish we introduce to babies after one year. We too like this more than other dishes with keerai like kootu, poriyal and sambar. 

I make this simple keerai kadaiyal/ masiyal which is very easy to do at the same time the amount of spinach consumption will be more. This dish is a nice way to make your kids eat greens. It tastes great when mixed with plain rice adding ghee. So here comes the ingredients,
Keerai kadaiyal

  • Arai keerai  or Mulai keerai or Siru keerai  – 1 bunch
  • Garlic flakes – 5 –7 nos
  • Salt & water – as needed.
  • Remove the leaves and wash it for 2-3 times until all the soil gets removed.
  • Boil 1/2 cup of water in a vessel and add the keerai /spinach to it.
  • Cook it well and don’t cover the vessel with the lid. (Hope you all know this:)) After sometime flip it once and cook it.
  • Once its done, switch off the flame and let it cool. Don’t drain the excess water. U can use it for grinding.(Always add less water to cook spinach.)
  • First, run the garlic flakes with the salt once or twice without water.
  • Now add the cooked spinach and grind it to make a smooth paste.
Mix with plain rice by adding ghee!! Try this with your kids, I am sure they will like it. Garlic flavor is the plus for this kadaiyal. U can refrigerate it and use for 2-3 days!!
Another version in this is, just cook the spinach and grind it with salt. Soak tamarind in water and extract the juice. Add the tamarind juice to the ground spinach and allow it to boil. Do the seasoning with mustard, urad dal and hing. This we call as pulikeerai. I think most of you do this at home!!

I tried Palak chapathi and Aloo paratha last week for dinner. It was soft and tasty. I got the recipe from my neighbour. I’ll post Aloo paratha soon. Now comes the Palak chapathi,

palak chappathi1


1 cup - 250ml
  • Palak / Pasalai keerai – 2 bunches ( small)
  • Red chilli powder –  1 tsp(adjust )
  • Garam masala powder – 1 tsp (adjust as per your need)
  • Ginger – 1 inch (finely chopped)
  • Salt & water- as needed.
  • Curd – 2 tsp
  • Oil – 1 tsp
For the dough:
  • Wheat flour – 1 cup
  • Oil – 1tbsp
  • Chop and wash the palak leaves for 2-3 times and set aside.
  • Heat a kadai with 1 tsp oil and add the palak to it. Saute till its half cooked and get reduced in quantity.
  • Then grind the palak with little water to a smooth paste.
  • Now take the wheat flour in a bowl and add the ground palak, red chilli powder, ginger pieces, garam masala, curd and salt. Add water only if it is needed because the water in the ground palak  is itself sufficient. If you feel its too watery, add some wheat flour and make a dough. Add some oil and knead it well.
  • Then cover and keep it for 30 mins.The dough is of green in color.
  • Now make even sized balls and roll it to a thin chappathi.
  • Heat a dosa tawa and make chapathis as usual.
Yummy, healthy palak chappathi is ready. U can serve with onion raita and pickle!!
palak chappathi with pickle & raita!!

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May 12, 2009

Pidi Kozhukattai Recipe - Chitra Pournami Recipes

I prepared this sweet pidi kozhukatai on Chitra pournami day and offered to God along with raw mango pachadi , panagam and neer mor. I am very happy, I tried this kozhukattai on my own for the first time. So far my aunty(MIL) was there with me and she used to make all these and I was just a listener. Now my in-laws are in my native, so I was in a position to do it..Thank God, it turned out so well. It dint break, it was very soft as I expected :)

1 cup - 250ml

Please check THIS POST for my latest recipe on sweet pidi kozhukattai using store bought rice flour

  • Rice flour – 1 cup
  • Powdered jaggery – 3/4 cup
  • Water – 1.5 cups
  • Cardamom powder – 1/4 tsp
  • Grated coconut –1/4 cup
  • Heat a pan with 1cup of water and add the powdered jaggery to it. Let it melt and strain the impurities if any.
  • The syrup starts to boil and becomes frothy. Now add the grated coconut, cardamom powder along with rice flour.
  • Mix well till it becomes like a chapati dough. If the water is not sufficient, add little hot water.. (Keep the hot water ready before this step). First I used 3/4 cup of water to make the syrup, then I added 1/4 cup of hot water. If you feel the water is more, add rice flour. No problem:) Now remove from the flame and let it cool.
  • Grease the idly maker plates with gingely oil .
  • Make oval shaped balls with the dough and just press it with your fingers. (U can get an idea by looking at the picture)
  • Steam it in the idli maker as you make idlies.
Sweet pidi kozhukkatai is ready!!

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May 9, 2009

Cauliflower Kurma Recipe for chapathi, idli, rice, poori - South Indian Cauliflower Gravy

Cauliflower kurma
My mom makes this cauliflower kurma kuzhambu for idli, dosa, chapati and rice during weekends (South Indian cauliflower gravy in English). We call it as cauliflower Kuzhambu in Tamil. Every Sunday, my mom prepares this cauliflower gravy in the morning, take a break from regular cooking and spends the whole day with us. We relish this gravy with hot Idli or poori/roti for our breakfast, dinner and have the same gravy mixed with rice for lunch. Its a kurma kind of gravy. We have named it as “All rounder Gravy” ;). Its our family favorite recipe. I learnt this cauliflower kuruma from my mom during my recent visit to my house and tried it for our breakfast yesterday. Sendhil liked it very much and had 2 more idlis too. Thank you Amma for teaching me this easy and yummy cauliflower kuzhambu.Lets see how to make my mom’s Cauliflower gravy for idli, dosa and rice !! You can make it thin or thick in consistency as you like.

Note : To update the old pictures, I made this gravy slightly thick as side dish for chapathi and poori and shared the pictures. But my mom makes it slightly thin.

Cauliflower kurma for rice

Cauliflower gravy for idli,dosa

Cauliflower gravy for idli,dosa How to make cauliflower gravy for idli,dosa and rice
Cuisine: South Indian
Category: Side dish for idli,dosa,rice
Serves: Serves 2-3
Prep time: 10 Minutes
Cook time: 20 Minutes
Total time: 30 Minutes

1 cup – 250 ml
  • Cauliflower florets – 20 nos
  • Boiled Peas – 1/4 cup (optional, I used it)
  • Tomato – 3 nos (finely chopped)
  • Big onion – 1 no (finely chopped)
  • Red chilli powder – 1- 1.5 tsp (adjust)
  • Turmeric powder – 1/4 tsp
  • Salt and Water – as needed.
To grind
  • Grated Coconut –  1/2 cup
  • Ginger – 1 inch piece
  • Garlic flakes – 5 nos
  • Fennel seeds – 1 tsp
To season
  • Cumin seeds - 1/4 tsp
  • Cinnamon, cloves, cardamom - 1 each 
Coriander leaves – to garnish

  • If using dried peas, soak it overnight before pressure cooking it. Frozen peas can be used directly. Wash and soak the cauliflower florets in hot water with salt and turmeric powder for 10-15 mins. Grind all the items given under “to grind” to make a smooth paste and set aside. 
  • Heat a wok/pan with oil and do the seasoning part first.  Splutter cumin seeds. Add whole garam masala like cinnamon, clove and cardamom. Then add the chopped onion, fresh green peas and saute for a minute. Add the chopped tomato pieces and saute till mushy.
  • Now add the ground coconut paste with water and stir fry till raw smell leaves it.
  • Then add the red chilli powder, turmeric powder and mix it well.
  • Add the required water and cover cook till cauliflower and peas gets cooked.
  • Make the gravy thick if its for chapati /poori and watery for idli/dosa/rice. You can serve this kurma with ghee rice as well.
Do try this gravy and enjoy your weekends:)
Serve this gravy with gingely oil on top if for idli/dosa. 

  • For more flavor, you can add garam masala powder along with red chilli powder. Add 1/4 – 1/2 tsp as per your taste.
  • Make this gravy slightly thicker if you have it for chapathi/puri else make it thin as shown in the pic below.

Prepare this easy cauliflower gravy during weekends and take a break from your regular cooking like my mom. Here is the old picture of this kurma with idli.
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May 6, 2009

Pav Bhaji Recipe | Street style | Mumbai Street Food Recipes

Pav bhaji is a worldwide popular street food originated from Mumbai, India. I prepared it for the first time yesterday and it was a super hit. It came out very well. I took this recipe from a cooking manual and made some changes by watching Mumbai street style pavbhaji YouTube videos.

Sendhil & Raksha loved it a lot and told me to make the same next day too for dinner. It was awesome in taste when had with chopped raw onions. Its a great evening snack recipe for kids. Even bachelors can try this as it has no grinding jobs. I am sure the smell of this pavbhaji masala makes everyone crave for it. Do try this for your kids & Husband after they are back home. U will get appraisals for sure. Ok, lets see how to make this Mumbai special pav bhaji at home easily. 


Mumbai special Pav bhaji recipe

Mumbai special Pav bhaji recipe Mumbai famous street food - Pav bhaji recipe
Cuisine: Indian
Category: Snacks
Serves: 3
Prep time: 10 Minutes
Cook time: 20 Minutes
Total time: 30 Minutes


For Bhaji
  • 1 cup chopped mixed vegetables (carrot, cauliflower )
  • 2 nos - medium sized Potatoes
  • 1/4 cup green peas
To saute
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • 2 big onions chopped fine
  • 2 tomatoes chopped fine
  • 1/2 capsicum chopped fine
  • 1 small green chilli chopped finely
  • 1 tsp - G&G paste
  • 2-3 tsp - Pavbhaji masala (I used MDH masala)
  • 1/2 – 1 tsp chilli powder (adjust)
  • 1/4 tsp- turmeric powder
  • 1/4 tsp - sugar
  • Kasoori methi – a pinch (optional)
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 cup water or vegetable broth (use according to the thickness of the bhaji)
  • juice of 1/2 lemon.
To Garnish
  • 1 tbsp coriander chopped
  • 1 onion chopped
  • small pieces of lemon
For Pav
  • 6 pavs (squarish soft buns )
  • Butter to toast.

    For bhaji
    • Wash and chop the vegetables. Pressure cook mixed vegetables and peas till well mashed for 4-5 whistles. Mash them well using a ladle/masher or hands after draining the water. Reserve the broth/vegetable water.
    • Heat butter in a pan. Add finely chopped onion, capsicum, chilli, ginger garlic paste and saute for few minutes. Add tomatoes and saute till mushy. 
Pav bhaji recipe1
    • Fry for 2-3 minutes till tomato turns mushy. Add pavbhaji masala, chilli powder, turmeric, salt, sugar and cooked vegetables. Fry further 2-3 minutes (for less spice skip green chilli & use 1/2 tsp chilli pwd). 
Pav bhaji recipe2
    • Add the reserved vegetable broth & bring to boil. Simmer till gravy is thick, stirring and mashing the masala in between. Lastly add crushed kasoori methi, lemon juice. Stir & switch off the flame immediately. 
Pav bhaji recipe3
    • Garnish with chopped coriander leaves.
    For Pavs
    • Slit pavs horizontally leaving one edge attached. (like an open book).
    • Apply butter (as desired) and roast open on a tawa till hot and soft with the surface crisp on open side.
         Serve hot with bhaji, a wedge of lemon and chopped onions.

    Pav bhaji recipe4
    Enjoy !

  • Adjust the quantity of spices as per your taste buds.
  • U must add pavbhaji masala to get the real taste. Else you can add garam masala powder & little aamchoor powder but you have to compromise with the taste.
  • Add finely chopped coriander  leaves for garnishing.
  • Mashing the vegetable well is the key here to resemble mumbai street style pavbhaji.
  • Adding carrot & beans is optional. U can use cauliflower, potatoes & peas alone.

Yummy pav bhaji is ready to relish with Tea !

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May 2, 2009

Tomato Sambar Recipe For Dosa - Thakkali Sambar Without Dal

Thakkali sambar without dal
I always look for varieties of sambar/chutneys/kurma recipes for idli, dosa. Most of the Tamil people make idli/dosa at least 3-4 times in a week. Me too not an exception. Every time I used to hit my head for making side dish as I don’t like to repeat the same. So whenever I meet my friends or neighbors, I ask them about the side dish they make for idli/dosa/chapathi and try them in my kitchen. 

Last week my school friend Swarna called me and we talked more than one hour discussing our past, present etc:) I asked her about her idli sambar recipes. She told me this easy tomato sambar recipe without dal ( Thakkali sambar in Tamil) for idli,dosa. I love to try varieties of tomato recipes. So I got tempted and prepared it as a side dish for dosa. 

Basically Sendhil loves to have juicy sambar recipes more than chutney varieties for dosa. So he loved it very much.  This sambar has a mild masala flavor. It tastes well with chapathi too if you make it little thick like kurma by adding more coconut. Its a very simple and delicious recipe. Lets see how to make this yummy thakkali sambar for idli,dosa ( Tomato onion sambar) !

If interested , check out  my other tomato sambar recipes

Tomato sambar with coconut for idli
Tomato brinjal sambar for idli
Spicy sambar for dosa
Tomato sambar without dal, coconut and spices

Thakkali kuzhambu for rice
Tomato sambar recipe

Tomato sambar/Thakkali sambar for idli,dosa

Tomato sambar/Thakkali sambar for idli,dosa Tomato sambar/Thakkali sambar for idli, dosa - Tastes like kurma
Cuisine: South Indian
Category: Sambar recipes
Serves: 2
Prep time: 10 Minutes
Cook time: 20 Minutes
Total time: 30 Minutes


  • Ripe Tomato – 2 nos (chopped )
  • Big onion – 1 no (finely chopped)
  • Salt & water – as needed
  • Coriander leaves – to garnish
To grind:
  • Grated Coconut – 2 tbsp
  • Ginger - 1/2 inch size
  • Garlic cloves - 2
  • Green chilli – 2-3 nos (I used 2)
  • Fennel seeds/Soambu/Perunjeeragam – 1/2 tsp
To season:
  • Cooking oil - 1 tbsp
  • Mustard seeds – 1/2 tsp
  • Curry leaves – few

Chop and cook the tomatoes adding enough water. Grind all the items given under “to grind “ along with cooked tomatoes adding required water. Make it a paste. Set aside.
Tomato sambar recipe
Tomato sambar recipe
Now heat the kadai with a tbsp of oil and season all the items given above. Add the chopped onions and saute till transparent. Add 1/2 cup of water and cook the onions till soft.
Tomato sambar recipe
Now add the ground tomato masala to it and boil till raw smell leaves it. May take 5 mins.Add water if you make it for idly/dosa. If  you make it for chapathi, add less water and make the gravy thick.
Tomato sambar recipe
Finally garnish with coriander leaves and serve!! Enjoy !


  • Adjust the quantity of chilli as per your taste buds.
  • Here I have not used whole spices like cinnamon, cloves etc. So this sambar tastes mildly spiced with ginger & fennel seeds flavor. If you wish, you can saute the whole spices along with onion for more masala flavor. 
  • Garnish this sambar with coriander leaves if you have in hand.

Enjoy this yummy sambar with hot hot idli & dosa by drizzling a tsp of gingely oil !!
Tomato sambar recipe
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April 27, 2009

Mor Kuzhambu With Oats Vada


I learnt this method from my MIL.My mom’s method is completely different from this.Check that post that too.Most of us add veggies like okra, pumpkin, cucumber etc in mor kuzhambu.But we always make masal vada and dump into it.Kuzhambu gets absorbed into vada and it tastes excellent..My husband likes this combination very much.Once I added oats and made the vada..There was no difference in taste, flavor , crispness etc.It was equally good to the usual masal vada & at  the same time healthy too:)Then i started making oats vada every time i prepare mor kuzhambu.U can enjoy this vada as a snack too ..
So here is the recipe for mor kuzhambu and vada,

1 cup - 200ml
  • Sour curd – 1 cup
  • Salt & water – as needed.
To grind:
  • Grated Coconut – 3 tbsp
  • Green chilly – 3 to 4 nos(increase based on the sourness of curd)
  • Coriander seeds – 1 tsp
  • Curry leaves - 5 leaves
  • Ginger – 1 inch size
  • Small onion  / Sambar onion– 3 nos
  • Cumin seeds / Jeera – 1/2 tsp
To season:
  • Cooking Oil or coconut oil – 2 tsp
  • Mustard seeds – 1/2 tsp
  • Methi seeds – 1/8 tsp
  • Urad dal – 1/2 tsp
  • Red chilly –1 no (Pinch into two)
For  Oats masala vada :
  • Quick Oats – 1/4 cup ( I used Quaker brand )
  • Chana dal – 1/4 cup
  • Toor dal – 1/8 cup
  • Red chilly – 4-5 nos (adjust as per ur taste)
  • Asafetida/Hing – 1/4 tsp
  • Salt & water – as needed
  • Oil – to deep fry
  • Beat the sour curd with little water and add salt to it(Don’t worry even if it becomes watery, vada will absorb everything).Set aside.
  • Grind the first 4 items ( coconut + chilli+ coriander seeds + curry leaves) given under “to grind” with water.
  • Then add the last three ingredients ( Ginger, onion, cumin seeds) and run once or twice.Make it a paste.
  • Now add the ground mixture to the beaten curd and check for salt.
  • Keep the bowl on the stove and simmer it.Let it boil for 3-4 mins in low flame.Mix it once in the middle.By this time, the mor kuzhambu becomes frothy , it should not roll boil.
  • Remove from the flame and don’t close it with the lid.  If you want, you can close it partially by keeping a ladle inside. Let it be open for sometime. Do not pour to another vessel when mor kuzhambu is hot. (It’ll become watery).
  • Now heat a kadai with oil and do the seasoning part. Add it to the mor kuzhambu.

How to make vada:
  • Soak the dals together for 2 hrs and grind it with red chillies, hing , oats and salt.
  • Add less water to grind may be 2 tbsp.Batter should be thick and coarse.
  • Now heat oil in a kadai and make vada of ur desired shape.
  • Deep Fry on both sides.
Now dump these vadas into mor kuzhambu and keep it immersed for 10-15 mins.

Oats vada

Then take the vadas out and keep it in a separate plate because it will absorb the kuzhambu/gravy.
Yummy mor kuzhambu with oats vada is ready to serve with plain rice :)
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April 24, 2009

Sunnundalu, Corn Flour Murukku - Diwali Recipes

urad dal ladoo

I saw this sunnundalu & corn flour murukku recipe in a cookery show (Vijay tv – samayal  samayal kitchen killaadigal ).As u all know sunnundalu is a famous traditional sweet in Andhra which is made using urad dal flour with jaggery.It is called as Minapa sunnundalu in Telugu.It is very easy to make at the same time tasty & healthy too.Last time when i went to my mom’s place, she gave me **roasted and ground urad dal for making murukku/Thenkuzhal.I prepared this urad dal ladoo & cornflour murukku with the leftover urad dal flour.Both came out very well.Everyone loved it.Cornflour murukku was very crunchy and flavorful.Its a great tea time snack for elders as well as kids.Apt for festivals like Diwali,Gokulashtami and Ganesh chaturthi.Do try these yummy sweet n snacks recipes & let me know your feedback.


Sunnundalu/Urad dal ladoo recipe

Sunnundalu/Urad dal ladoo recipe Sunnundalu - Traditional Andhra sweet recipe made using Urad dal flour & jaggery | Corn flour murukku - Crunchy snack for tea time !
Cuisine: Indian
Category: Sweet,Snacks
Serves: 10 nos
Prep time: 10 Minutes
Cook time: 10 Minutes
Total time: 20 Minutes

1 cup - 200ml
For urad dal ladoo
  • **Roasted Urad dal flour - 1/2 cup
  • Grated jaggery - 1/3-1/2 cup
  • Melted ghee - 3-4 tbsp
  • Cardamom - 2 nos
  • Raw rice - 1 tsp ( optional.i dint use)
For corn flour murukku
  • Corn flour - 1/4 cup
  • Rice flour - 1/2 cup
  • Besan flour - 1/4 cup
  • Softened butter - 1 tbsp
  • Hot cooking oil - 1/2 tbsp
  • Cumin seeds - 1/2 tsp
  • Hing/Asafetida - 1/4 tsp
  • Salt & water - as needed
  • Cooking oil - to deep fry


  • FOR URAD DAL LADOO : Dry 1/2 cup of roast urad dal in low to medium flame till you get nice roasted smell.Make sure you don’t change the color of urad dal.After it cools down,grind it to a fine powder.Sieve it and again grind the coarse particles.Sieve again.Measure 1/2 cup of flour and take it in a bowl.Add grated jaggery,melted ghee,cardamom powder & roasted cashews, mix well.Make small balls out of it.Arrange in a box and enjoy eating ! It stays well for a week.( Urad dal should be roasted well else u will get raw smell of dal in ladoo.So take care).
  • FOR CORN FLOUR MURUKKU: Sieve and take all the flours together.Add chilli powder,hing,salt n cumin seeds.Mix well.Add the softened butter and spread it well with the flour.Heat oil required for deep frying.Add 1/2 tbsp of hot oil to the murukku flour.Mix well.Add the required water and make a non-sticky,soft dough.
Corn flour murukku
  • Take a star shaped mould and keep a ball of dough in the murukku press.Press the murukku in the back of ladle.After the oil is heated,drop a pinch of dough in the oil.If it rises immediately,simmer the flame & put the murukku.U can drop 3-4 murukkus in the kadai based on its size.Cook till the bubbles cease completely.Flip it once in the middle.Cook till it turns golden brown.Remove in a tissue and stack it in a box after they cool down.It tastes & flavours the best the next day.
Corn flour murukku 1

    Enjoy !

  • For variations,u can replace jaggery with powdered sugar in urad dal ladoo.Some poeple also add a tsp of raw rice while roasting urad dal.Its completely optional though.
  • For murukku,u can use fried gram flour instead of urad dal flour but i feel urad dal flour is more flavorful.And u can use ghee instead of butter.
  • Add more red chilli powder if u want spicy murukku.

Try this yummy,healthy ladoo n murukku recipes Smile Enjoy your festival !

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